We are a high ropes course park.
Originally called 'audacity courses' and designed to train military personnel and high mountain guides in Switzerland, high ropes courses quickly became a famous activity for the general public in France that rapidly spread through Europe and the rest of the world.

A high ropes course park is composed of several courses of increasing height and difficulty both physically and mentally. A course is composed of a series of platforms and challenges, or games, designed with various materials such as wood, steel cables, ropes etc. A game is a way of evolving from one platform to the next in a challenging yet fun way.

The most well knows games of the sort are called ‘ziplines’ and involve the participant using their pulleys to glide down a single descending cable.
At Aerial Adventure we select wonderful locations to allow visitors to (re) discover their outdoor and inner worlds simultaneously as well as sparking conversation about conservation.

After successfully developing the concept in Queensland and, having explored multiple facets of tourism and hospitality, we decided to come back to our first passion and strengthen the concept in WA. It is with honour and gratitude we have taken on the stewardship of this amazing part of the Gloucester National Park that today we can call our 'office'.

Through our carefully formulated training and induction and with a clever arrangement of challenges gradually increasing in height and difficulty you are developing your skills and confidence while having fun and ripping the benefits of moving your body in a magnificent forest environment. Plus you also get to observe unique wildlife in an authentic way, from a different angle as well as experiencing the local lifestyle. Together we contribute wonderfully to the conservation of natural spaces and the activation of National Parks as well as your energy levels! A feel-good moment for the mind, body and spirit.
We are located in the Gloucester National Park, Pemberton, Western Australia. You can find us on Google Maps or stop by Pemberton Visitors Centre and ask for directions.

Our address is:
Aerial Adventure Pemberton,
Gloucester National Park, Burma Road,
Pemberton, WA, 6260.
How else can I contact you?
Can I see more photos and videos?
Are there any age or height requirements?
To simply wander through our park there is no particular requirements other than those of the Gloucester National Park.

To participate in the high ropes course activities you must be at least 4 years old. So we know you can reach safely, we do not measure ‘height’ but ’reach’. Reach is measured from mid palm, with arms above the head and feet flat on the ground. The minimum reach for 4-year-old and above is 120 cm.
All participants need to weigh less than 120 kg.

Other ages and reach requirements increase with the height and difficulty of the courses. Please refer to the Courses and Prices.
I have a special medical condition, can I still participate?
For your own safety, well being and that of others, not all conditions can engage in our high ropes course activities. Please see our waiver (hyperlink) for more info or contact staff to discuss your particular circumstances.

In general, injuries and pregnancies will exclude you from being harnessed and doing the ropes courses but you are welcome to walk through our park, relax and enjoy the forest.
I have some autism, can I still participate?
Please contact our staff to discuss your particular circumstances. For your own safety, well being and that of others not all conditions can engage in our high ropes course activities. Please see our waiver for more info.
Is there a wheelchair access?
Yes, from the carpark’ special bays to the toilets, the café and the Gloucester Tree.
Can I drop my kids and pick them up later?
No, under 18’s require adult supervision and adult to junior/ kid ratios apply. Please refer to the Courses and Prices.

A signed waiver is required for all participants, with an adult 18+ required to complete a waiver for any person aged 17 or under.
How long do the courses take?
As well as the obligatory Test Course, each course has an anticipated time to complete:

Kookies – 20-25 minutes for each course
Explorers – 50 minutes for both courses (20-30 minute each)
Highwire – 50 minutes
Gloucester Glide – 50 minutes.

These are approximate depending on your own pace and the one of people in front of you. To sum up allow a good 2 to 3 hours to complete it all at least once.
Can I leave and come back later?
No. Once you leave you equipment and the premises your entry pass is terminated.
Are there toilets?
Yes, Gloucester National Park has toilets less than 100m from Aerial Adventures.
Can I get a drink or something to eat?
There is a tap on site to refill your water bottles. Our Karri Cafe opens very soon for barista coffee and light snacks. Until then, please feel free to bring along snacks.
Is there Wi-FI?
We do not provide Wi-Fi, but there is a clear 4G and 5G signal depending on your provider.  
Will I have phone reception?
Whilst we cannot speak for your operator or the power of your phone’antenna, most of our clients have enjoyed a decent reception on site so far.
Can I bring my dog?
Dogs or any pets are not allowed under WA’s National Park guidelines.
Can I smoke inside the park?
No. Smoking is permitted in the carpark providing that you put your cigarette out entirely and throw the butt in the bin provided. No smoking is allowed at all if the park is under a TOTAL FIRE BAN period.
Can I drink alcohol?
No alcohol is accepted on site, before, during or after the activities.